Stories and Comprehension Worksheets
Each children's story is followed by reading comprehension questions. Most questions are 'open ended' and focus on comprehension skills such as making inferences, drawing conclusions and understanding cause and effect. The passages vary in difficulty with some passages having more challenging vocabulary.

Grade 5 reading comprehension worksheet
After the Flood 700 words
Alex and Amanda’s First Concert 800 words
The Astronomy Project 600 words
Best Friend Blues 560 words
"Bring your Pet Day" Disaster 510 words
Dinner Disaster 860 words
Fairy Followers 790 words
Fossil Mystery 535 words
The Goose Voyage 650 words
Jump Around 500 words
Mystery of the Broken Pie 840 words
The Best Vacation Ever 560 words
Finders Keepers 730 words
Curious about Careers: Engineering 440 words
Curious about Careers: Teacher 540 words
Henry Ford 390 words
Horses 405 words
How to Care for a Pet Fish 605 words
How to Make Animations 520 words
Space Based Astronomy 360 words
What Police and Detectives Do 720 words