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4th Grade Math Worksheets: Subtraction

Subtraction worksheets

Our grade 4 subtraction worksheets are organized into two sections: mental subtraction, for exercises that students should attempt to solve "in their heads" without writing down intermediate steps and subtraction in columns for practice in column form subtraction at various levels of difficulty.

Mental Subtraction

Subtract within 0-100  69 - 54 =
Subtract a 2-digit number from whole hundreds 200 - 55 =
Subtract whole tens 720 - 50 =
Subtract whole tens (harder) 720 - 350 =
Subtract whole hundreds 7,400 - 1,100 =
Subtract whole hundreds (harder) 7,458 - 1,100 =
Subtract from 1,000 1,000 - 665 =
Subtract from whole thousands 4,000 - 593 =
Missing minuend problems (2 digits) 57 - __ = 33
Missing minuend problems (whole tens) 270 - __ = 130
Missing minuend problems 691 - __ = 52

Subtraction in Columns

Subtract 3 digit numbers 780
- 739
Subtract 4 digit numbers 4,721
- 3,566
Subtract large numbers 628,932
Regroup with two zeros  6,900
Regroup with three zeros 83,000

Subtraction word problems

Addition and subtraction word problems Word problems
Mixed 4 operations word problems Word problems
Sample Grade 4 Subtraction Worksheet

Sample Grade 4 Subtraction Worksheet

More subtraction worksheets

Explore all of our subtraction worksheets, from subtracting by counting objects to subtracting large numbers in columns.

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