K5 Learning Blog

K5 Learning provides free worksheets and other materials for kids in kindergarten to grade 5.

Grammar help

When you combine two or more words to form a new single word, the new word is a compound word. We’ll take you through the three types of compound words: open, closed and hyphenated.

Reading help

Armed with the basics of the alphabet, kindergarten students are ready to read books. Our paragraphs and passages worksheets give young students practice in reading short texts with exercises to draw and write short answers.

K5 update

We’ve created a set of materials to help students learn about good manners. There’s a workbook, free worksheets and a bundle of posters for members.

Science help

In grade 3 science, students learn about weather forecasting, reading weather data, the distinction between climate and weather, and weather hazards. We’ve created pages of worksheets for students to practice these topics.

Math help

Thinking about numbers using frames of 10 units is a helpful way for young students to learn basic number facts. We have some worksheets for that.

Grammar help

Punctuating dialogue in writing takes skills and practice. Dialogue has its own set of punctuation rules that can be tricky. Let’s take you through them.

Math help

Students who have mastered the division math facts of dividends up to 144 are ready to start drilling multi-digit division. We have a whole section for multi-digit division.

Grammar help

We know that singular nouns refer to one person, place or thing. They can get complicated, though, when you deal with mass nouns or collective nouns. Here are 4 rules for singular nouns.

Math help

Once students have mastered the multiplication math facts up to 12 x 12, they’ll want to start drilling multi-digit multiplication. Try these worksheets for multi-digit multiplication.

Grammar help

What are distributives and why are they so difficult to use?