K5 Learning Blog

K5 Learning provides free worksheets and other materials for kids in kindergarten to grade 5.

Education world

While computers and the internet offer great tools for learning, the benefits of pen and paper are undeniable.

Math help

By mastering place value in grade 1, students set a strong foundation for mathematical success in later grades. We suggest some introductory activities for grade 1 students.

Science help

Hibernation is a state of deep rest that some animals enter during the winter to conserve energy when food is scarce, and temperatures are low. How does that work?

Reading help

We have published a whole new section of grade 1 reading worksheets focusing on story elements and comprehension concepts.

Math help

Number bonds are a foundational math concept taught in Grade 1 to help children understand the relationships between numbers, particularly in addition.

Reading help

The "moral of the story" refers to the lesson or message that the story is trying to teach. Let’s take a closer look.

Reading help

We share some age-appropriate strategies to help kindergarten students develop reading comprehension skills.

Math help

Mental addition helps kids solve simple sums in their heads without working it out on paper. We have worksheets for grade 1 students to practice mental addition.

Grammar help

We have made significant updates to our grade 3 spelling workbook. It’s now available for purchase in our bookstore.

Grammar help

In elementary school, writing instruction focuses on progressively building foundational skills, creativity, and confidence.