Converting fractions to/from decimals worksheets
These math worksheets provide practice in converting fractions and mixed numbers to decimal numbers, and vice versa. This is a fundamental skill which all students need to master.
Decimals to Fractions |
Decimals to fractions (10ths / 100ths) | 0.68 = |
Decimals to mixed numbers | 2.72 = |
Fractions to Decimals |
Fractions to decimals (denominator 10 or 100) | 94/100 = |
Mixed numbers to decimals (varied denominators) | 6 3/5 = |
Fraction to decimals (using division) | 4/17 = |
Fractions to/from decimals (mixed practice) | 4 10/16 = |

Sample Grade 6 Fractions to Decimals Worksheet