Seth Godin Tells Schools to ‘Stop Stealing Dreams ‘ – Free eBook

Stop stealing dreams

On this blog we’ve touched on the discussion around the institution of school.  How schools were there to create the stream of compliant factory workers of the 1900s and how they haven’t changed with the times.  The well-illustrated presentation on Changing the Education Paradigm by Ken Robinson, professor and author on the development of creativity and innovation, is worth a second look.

Now another famous author has plunged himself into the education debate.

Over the years I’ve enjoyed the branding and marketing ideas that have poured from the pages of Seth Godin’s books.  I have to admit that some I’ve even tried to emulate.  So I was surprised to see that his latest book veers off the marketing path and enters into education.

Similar to Mr. Robinson, Mr Godin’s 30,000 word manifesto, called “Stop Stealing Dreams”, is meant to continue the discussion about how we can change education. 

Like Ken Robinson in his presentation, Seth Godin is vague about what exactly the change in education would look like.  However, this big-picture thinker does add to the rally cry to inspire change.  His aim is to get us involved in the debate.  In his own words:  “It took a lot to get it (the Manifesto) to you, and I'm encouraging you to take a few minutes to check it out. After you read it, perhaps you'll write one of your own.”

The free eBook can be found in four different versions all available on the squidoo lens Godin created for this book.  Despite its lack of practical implications, it’s definitely worth a read.  Perhaps it’ll inspire you to jot down your own ideas and join the conversation?

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