Dyslexic Children & Learning

K5 - a resource for kids with dyslexia

For children with dyslexia, every word they look at seems to follow different rules. Helping your child with dyslexia read and understand text can be frustrating.


Dyslexia reading and math

The classic image of a dyslexic child switching characters in words actually happens quite rarely. Rather, dyslexic children have difficulty switching between the letter combinations and the sounds they make. The 'ou' sound can be different whether you are 'alking about a trough', 'going through the doo'r, 'out the window', or 'leaving the country'. Recent studies have shown that these spelling patterns are a key to treating children with dyslexia.

Children with dyslexia (or the numerical equivalent- dyscalculia) need extra time to sort through the code and understand the meaning of what they see. Many dyslexic children also suffer from short term memory issues and up to 90% of dyslexic children also have problems with math. The inability to remember sequential rules is one of the early indicators of dyslexia in preschool children.


Kindergarten to grade 5 math and reading worksheets

K5 provides math, reading and science worksheets organized by grade or by topic, making it easy for parents to find the worksheets you need for further study. The worksheets are free to use and you don’t need to register to use them.


Free worksheets from K5 Learning

Math and reading workbooks

K5 also offers math and reading workbooks available as PDF downloads for more in-depth learning. Teachers and parents download and save the workbooks on their computers to allow them to print the pages as they need them. 

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