Selecting Subject and Object Pronouns

By grade 3, students learn that there are two main types of pronouns: subject pronouns and object pronouns.

Subject and object pronouns

What are pronouns?

Pronouns are the words I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, them and us that are used instead of a noun or a noun phrase.

What are subject pronouns?

Subject pronouns replace the noun performing the action in a sentence. The subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we and they.

Subject pronouns

What are object pronouns?

Object pronouns replace the noun receiving the action in a sentence.

The object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, them and us.

Object pronouns

Grade 3 worksheets to practice subject and object pronouns

We have a selection of worksheets in our grade 3 grammar section for students to practice subject and object pronouns.

Subject and object pronouns worksheets


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