Spring Break Visit to the Library

kids library

Another rainy day, but now we have to get out of the house.  Truly, cabin fever is starting to set in and I can’t take another kitchen nightmare (from our science day). So, we’re heading to the library.  We love our library and it has a great kids’ section of both fiction and fact books. 

This visit made me think, though.  What else can you do at the library?

Here’s a list of services and activities that most libraries offer:

-          You can borrow movies and audio books

-          There are both adult and kids book clubs.  Consider joining the summer reading club – most libraries have these for kids.  Often it entails filling in a reading list and coming back for rewards, such as stickers.  Our daughter received a medal at the end of last summer for keeping up her reading for the 8 required weeks.

-          Summer writing camps. Check out what summer camps your library offers.  Ours offers writing camps for young authors.

-          Craft activities – yes, many libraries will put on holiday craft activities.  We’ve signed up for the Easter Egg Hunt and craft mania at our local library.

-          Attend story time – these are mostly aimed at younger kids.  The children’s librarians will read a book for the kids often with props and fun voices.

-          Access to computers and the Internet.  This is a great service for people without computers at home, but also if you want to look something up – like the title of a book…

-          ... to order your eBooks.  I just found out that our library offers eBooks and as the owner of a Kindle I was thrilled to find out that I can now borrow, download and read library eBooks from the comfort of home (hmmm, that brings us back to cabin fever, though).

What did I miss?  What other services do libraries offer?  Leave a comment, if you can add to this list.

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