Sequencing Worksheets for Kindergarten to Grade 5 Students

What is sequencing?

The definition of ‘sequence’ is to arrange in a particular order. With that in mind, sequencing used in reading comprehension means putting different events in a story in order.

Why is sequencing important to learn?

Students need to learn sequencing to:

  • Learn to comprehend the entire text – the beginning, the middle and the end.
  • Be able to retell a fiction or non-fiction piece in a logical manner so that others can follow the story.
  • Understand how to perform certain tasks in a specific order – such as instructions or a recipe.

This skill is so important that it is revisited in every grade from kindergarten to grade 5, building on the skills learned in the previous grade. Kindergarten students start by reading simple stories and putting simple phrases in order. Grade 5 students read much longer stories and are asked to draw out the main elements of the story to put them in sequence.

Kindergarten sequencing worksheets

In kindergarten, students read a short story. Making use of short phrases, the students are asked to number the events in the correct order.

Kindergarten sequencing worksheet

More advanced kindergarten students can use these worksheets, where they are asked to write the sequence of events.

kindergarten sequencing advanced worksheet

Grade 1 sequencing worksheets

In grade 1, students move onto learning to order events by reading sentences in random order. They are not given a text to guide them. They will have to use logic and their understanding of beginning, middle and end to work out the sequence.

grade 1 sequencing worksheet

Grade 2 sequencing worksheets

By grade 2, the sequencing gets a little more difficult. As in grade 1, students are asked to order randomized sentences, but this time there will be 4 sentences to organize in sequence.

grade 2 sequencing worksheet

Grade 3 sequencing worksheets

In grade 3, students work on ordering four to six events in order, using both the sentences exercises and in reading longer texts.

grade 3 sequencing worksheet

Grade 4 sequencing worksheets

Grade 4 students work on placing 6 events in order from longer texts.

grade 4 sequencing worksheet

Grade 5 sequencing worksheets

By grade 5, students have progressed to sequencing eight events in order from longer texts.

grade 5 sequencing worksheet

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