Possessive Pronouns and Independent Possessive Pronouns

What are possessive pronouns?

Possessive pronouns help us talk about ownership without having to repeat the noun. Instead of saying "John's toy" every time, we can say "his toy" using the possessive pronoun.

They are as follows:

My: This pronoun shows that something belongs to the person speaking. For example, "This is my toy" means the toy belongs to the person talking.

Your: This pronoun shows that something belongs to the person you're talking to. For example, "Is this your book?" means the book belongs to the person you're speaking to.

His: This pronoun shows that something belongs to a boy or a man. For example, "That is his backpack" means the backpack belongs to the boy or man we are talking about.

Her: This pronoun shows that something belongs to a girl or a woman. For example, "These are her shoes" means the shoes belong to the girl or woman we are talking about.

Its: This pronoun shows that something belongs to an animal or an object. For example, "The dog wagged its tail" means the tail belongs to the dog.

Our: This pronoun shows that something belongs to a group of people, including the speaker. For example, "Let's put our toys away" means the toys belong to the group of people, including the person talking.

Their: This pronoun shows that something belongs to more than one person. For example, "The children rode their bikes" means the bikes belong to the children.

Possessive pronouns

What are independent possessive pronouns?

The independent possessive pronouns help us talk about who something belongs to without having to repeat the noun or name.

They are as follows:

Mine: When we say "This toy is mine," we mean that the toy belongs to us. We use "mine" to show that it is our toy.

Yours: If we say "Is this book yours?" we are asking if the book belongs to you. "Yours" shows that the book is your possession.

His: When we say "The ball is his," we mean that the ball belongs to him. We use "his" to show that it is his ball.

Hers: If we say "The doll is hers," we are saying that the doll belongs to her. "Hers" shows that it is her doll.

Ours: If we say "The game is ours," we mean that the game belongs to all of us. We use "ours" to show that it is our game.

Its: If we say "The dog wagged its tail," we mean that the dog's tail is wagging. "Its" shows that something belongs to the dog, like its tail.

Theirs: When we say "The bicycles are theirs," we mean that the bicycles belong to them. "Theirs" shows that it is their bicycles.

Independent possessive pronouns

Grade 1 possessive pronouns worksheets

In our grade 1 grammar section, we provide a set of possessive pronoun worksheets for students to practice possessive pronouns and independent possessive pronouns.

Possessive pronouns worksheets

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