8 Tips for Kids to Perfect their Mental Math Skills

Practice, practice, practice

The key to improving mental math skills is to practice as much as possible. Encourage your kids to practice mental math problems regularly. Little and often does it, so find times during the day to spend 10 or 20 minutes practicing mental math.

Start with the basics

Students should first master the basics of mental math, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, before moving on to more complex problems. Once they have a solid foundation, they can build on that knowledge.

Break down the problems

Encourage students to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts in their heads. For example, when multiplying two-digit numbers, they can multiply the ones place first, then the tens place, and add the two results together.

Focus on using mental math strategies

Teach your kids mental math strategies, such as using number bonds or doubling and halving, to help them solve problems more quickly and efficiently.

Visualize the problems

Help them visualize the problems in their minds, using diagrams or pictures to help them see the relationships between numbers. Start by presenting the problem on paper, then have your child solve a similar problem on paper. Then for a third time, have your student visualize another similar problem in their head.

Play math games

Make learning fun by incorporating math games into lessons. Games like Sudoku, Kakuro, and KenKen can help students develop mental math skills while having fun.

Make use of real-life situations

Encourage your kids to use mental math skills in everyday situations, such as calculating the total cost of items at the grocery store or figuring out the tip on a restaurant bill. You’d be surprised the number of times we use mental math every day.

Emphasize accuracy over speed

While speed is important, it's crucial to emphasize accuracy over speed when it comes to mental math. Tell your kids to take their time and double-check their work to ensure they are getting the correct answer. The speed will come with practice, practice, practice.


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