Practice Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions

As students become better at reading, teachers work with them on reading actively. They encourage young readers to think about what they are reading. To read actively, kids need to learn to make inferences and draw conclusions about what they read.

What’s an inference?

An inference is a guess a reader makes by combining personal knowledge with details from a text.

What’s a conclusion?

A conclusion is a judgement a reader makes based on facts and details from a text.

We’ve created increasingly difficult worksheets for students to practice how to draw conclusions and make inferences in our reading comprehension section.

Grade 1 conclusions worksheets

In grade 1 we introduce drawing conclusions. These worksheets start with sentences and move onto paragraphs from which students need to draw conclusions.

Grade 1 drawing conclusion worksheet

Grade 2 conclusions and inferences practice

Grade 2 students also start to practice making inferences. We’ve created six worksheets for students to practice conclusions and inferences in sentences and longer texts.

Grade 2 drawing conclusions and making inferences worksheets

Drawing conclusions and making inferences worksheets for grade 4 students

For grade 4 students we’ve created stories which they need to read actively to make the correct conclusions and inferences.

Draw conclusions and make inferences worksheets for grade 4

Conclusions and inferences practice in grade 5

Our grade 5 worksheets really test the student’s capacity to read actively, with longer, more complicated stories.

Grade 5 worksheets to help students read actively

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