Comparing and Ordering Numbers in Grade 1

Grade 1 students work on number sense – the ability to understand quantities, understanding more/less, larger/smaller, grasping numerical order, understanding math symbols, making number comparisons, and recognizing relationships between single items and groups of items.

Comparing and ordering numbers

One key skill in number sense is to recognize how numbers are ordered, and identifying numbers as greater than, less than or equal to.

Ordering numbers worksheets

These grade 1 math worksheets have students work on three numbers under 30 to order them from least to greatest.

Ordering numbers up to 30 worksheets

A second set of worksheets have students order three numbers under 100 from least to greatest.

Ordering numbers up to 100 worksheet

Worksheets to practice comparing numbers

Students are given pairs of numbers and asked to indicate if the first number is greater than, less than or equal to the second number.

The first set works on numbers 0 – 30.

Comparing pairs of numbers up to 30 worksheet

The second set of worksheets work on pairs of number up to 100.

Comparing pairs of numbers up to 100 worksheet

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