Grade 4 Order of Operations Practice

Students need to remember to follow the order of operations: parentheses first, then multiplication and division from left to right, and finally addition and subtraction from left to right.

Here's an example of a grade 4 order of operations practice:

5 x (4 + 2) - 8 =

First, you work on the equation between the parenthesis:

5 x 6 - 8 =

Then you work on the multiplication:

30 - 8 =

Finally, the subtraction:

30 - 8 = 22

In our grade 4 order of operations section, we have several sets of worksheets for students to solve equations involving the four operations with up to six terms and parentheses.

Add and subtract with parentheses worksheets

Students work with five terms in these addition and subtraction worksheets. Students work with parentheses.

Add and subtract with parenthesis worksheets for grade 4

Add, subtract six terms with parentheses

This next set of worksheets has students add and subtract with six numbers and parentheses.

Add and subtract with six numbers worksheets for grade 4

Practice adding, subtracting and multiplying in the correct order

These sets of worksheets introduce multiplication with addition and subtraction. Again, parentheses are in use.

Add, subtract, multiply with parentheses worksheets for grade 4

Adding, subtracting and multiplying six numbers

One more number is introduced in these worksheets, as students add, subtract and multiply 6 terms with parentheses.

Add, subtract and multiply order of operations worksheets for grade 4

Add, subtract, multiply and divide equations in order of operations

Next, students are introduced to the four operations as they add, subtract, multiply and divide five numbers in the order of operations.

Add, subtract, multiply, divide worksheets for grade 4

Add, subtract, multiply and divide six terms

Students work with 6 numbers in these, the most challenging, order of operations worksheets for grade 4 students.

Add, subtract, multiply, divide worksheets for grade 4


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