Teach your Kids to Count Money

Introduce coin names and values

Start by introducing the basic coins: penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.

Teach them the names and values of each coin. A penny is worth 1 cent, a nickel is worth 5 cents, a dime is worth 10 cents, and a quarter is worth 25 cents.

Use visual aids

Show pictures or actual coins to help them visualize and remember the different coins. You can use flashcards or create a poster with images of each coin and its value.

Sorting and matching

Have a variety of coins and ask the child to sort them by type (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters).

Create simple matching games where they match the coin with its corresponding value.

Counting with single coins

Start by counting small quantities of one type of coin. For example, count a pile of pennies or nickels.

Emphasize counting by ones for pennies and nickels, and by fives for nickels.

Counting with mixed coins

Gradually introduce mixed sets of coins for counting. For instance, ask them to count a combination of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Practice skip counting by fives and tens to help them count faster.

Role-playing and pretend play

Use real or pretend coins for role-playing activities.

Set up a pretend store where they "buy" items and "pay" using different combinations of coins.

Simple addition

Progress to simple addition problems involving coins. For example, ask them to add two or more coins together to find the total value.

Real-world practice

Involve them in real-life scenarios where they can use money, such as counting coins to buy a small treat or toy.

Grade 1 money worksheets

We have many worksheets for students to practice counting money at the grade 1 level.

Practice identifying coins

The first set of worksheets has students practice identifying pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters.

Identifying coins worksheets

Sorting coins worksheets

In these worksheets, students are asked to identify and count coins among a group of mixed coins.

Sorting coins worksheets

Counting dimes and pennies

Next, students focus on counting pennies and dimes.

Counting dimes and pennies worksheets

Counting, nickels, dimes and pennies

Next, we add nickels to the mix. Students count nickels, dimes and pennies.

Counting nickels, dimes and pennies worksheets

Counting dimes and quarters

Students focus on counting dimes and quarters in the next set of worksheets.

Counting dimes and quarters worksheets

Counting nickels and quarters

Students count nickels and quarters in these worksheets.

Counting nickels and quarters worksheets

Counting all US coins

The final set of worksheets has students count groups of all four US coins.

Counting US coins worksheets

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