Faces, Edges and Vertices of Shapes

We have just added some more geometry pages to our grade math 2 section of our free worksheet center.

Let’s take a look at one of the topics we cover in the grade 2 geometry worksheets: faces, edges and vertices of shapes. Exactly what are these and how do you count them for different shapes?


A vertex is a corner. In 2-D shapes, that’s pretty easy to work out – a triangle has 3 vertices, a square 4 vertices and a pentagon 5 vertices.

In 3-D shapes it gets a little more complicated. Let’s look at a cube, for example. A cube looks like this:



Now, let’s work out how many corners, or vertices, a cube has:



The answer is 8 vertices.


An edge is a line segment that joins two vertices. How many edges does a cube have?



class="green-text">The answer is 12 edges.


A face is any individual surfaces of a solid object. How many faces does a cube have?



The answer is 6.

Now you try it. Here’s our worksheet on working out the faces, edges and vertices of 3-D shapes.


You can find the rest of our grade 2 geometry worksheets on this page.


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