Engaging Kids in Reading

Continuing our author’s series, today Susan Chapman tells us about her book: “Too Much Noise in the Library”, which gets young kids involved as they help make the noises through the story. 

 By Susan Chapman

too much noise

Hi!  I'm Susan Margaret Chapman, the author of "Too Much Noise in the Library", a picture book for K-3, published by Upstartbooks, 2010. It is illustrated by Abby Carter. I also have another story that was published in an on-line magazine, (Turtle Trails and Tales) in the fall of 2010 called "One Warm Day"(K-3).

I was a teacher-librarian for a number of years, and, of course, did a lot of storytelling.  One of the stories I loved to tell was an old folktale called, "Things Could Always Be Worse", or "Too Much Noise".  One day, in my very busy library, I found myself yelling (I'm sorry to say), "There's too much noise in the library!"  Then I remembered that silly folktale, and thought what a good story it would make.

I worked in a library in Harrods Dept Store in London England for a summer when I was in university.  I have a degree in English Literature, and a School Library Specialist.  I spent a year in East Africa, and taught student teachers about running school libraries.
I love to visit schools.  My library story invites a lot of participation, as the children say all the noises as we go along.  It's a lot of fun!  I would be happy to hear from any students. smpchapman@hotmail.com

If you are an author and would like to write about your books for children - be they fiction or non-fiction - on the K5 Learning Blog, please contact asa (at) k5learning (dot) com.

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