Direct Objects in Sentences

What is a direct object?

A direct object is a word or phrase that receives the action of the verb in a sentence.

For example:

We watched three movies.

“Movies” is the direct object.

Direct objects answer the questions “what?” or “whom?”.

For example:

What three things did the students watch?

The answer is: movies.

Why do students confuse direct objects in sentences?

Students sometimes get the direct object confused with the subject of the sentence. The subject in the sentence is the noun that performs the action.

For example:

We watched three movies.

“We” is the subject of the sentence.

Direct objects in sentences

Direct object worksheets

Students practice direct objects in many grades. We have created worksheets for practice in grades 3, 4 and 5 with increasing difficulty levels.

Nouns as direct object worksheet

Our grade 3 worksheets focus on identifying the verbs and direct objects in sentences.

Nouns as direct objects worksheets

Direct objects in sentences

Our grade 4 worksheets ask students to circle the direct objects in longer sentences.

Direct objects in sentences worksheets

Direct objects worksheets

In these grade 5 worksheets, students identify the verbs and direct objects in sentences.

Direct objects worksheets for grade 5 students

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