Back to School… Back to Homework Excuses

dog ate my homework

There’s about a week left until most of our kids go back to school, some of you are already back into the routine.  Among other things, this means our kids will have homework again, much to the chagrin of our little angels.

There are lots of articles and blog posts at this time of the year talking about how we as parents should prepare our kids for homework and deal with any issues.  You don’t need another blog to weigh in on that same topic, so I thought I’d take a tour around the Internet to rally up the excuses our kids use for not handing in their work.  A warm-up, of sorts, for us parents to be aware of what may come down the road.  Kids’ imaginations have certainly evolved from “the dog ate my homework”.  Here’s a sample of some of the better excuses I found for your chuckle:

My mother took it to have it framed.

I have a solar powered calculator and it was cloudy.

I didn't do my homework because of my eyes.....I couldn't see any reason to do it.

Excuse me for not doing my homework, it’s cause you ASKED me to do it, you didn't TELL me to do it so I thought it was optional. 

My homework was done, and I didn't want to forget it, so I put it in my backpack. Turns out, my mom washed it.

Someone already published it, so I didn't bother to write it up.

I could only get arbitrarily close to my textbook.

What homework?

Do you have any more?  Please add them in the comments.

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