There is so much more to your kids’ education than dropping them off at school in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon. Teachers can only do so much. Research shows that when parents are actively involved in their kids’ academics, their grades, behavior at and attitude towards school improves dramatically. So what things can parents do to help their kids have success at school?
Read to Your Child
Make reading part of your daily routine – bedtime is usually a good time. Reading to your child fosters an interest in, and acceptance of, reading. As they grow older, have your kids participate more – at first, picking out words, and later reading segments to you.
Know your Child’s Teacher
Don’t be shy, get to know your child’s teacher. Be there for meet the teacher, the parent-teacher interview, even set up an appointment to go over specific areas of concern. For your child’s success, be an engaged parent that works in partnership with a teacher for both school and at home learning.
Support School Rules and Goals
Make sure your child understand the rules, discipline and goals of your school and the importance of following them. Never undermine school rules or decisions made by the teacher.
Take Responsibility for your Child
Don’t expect the school and teachers to take over your parental obligations of teaching your child behaviour, self-discipline and respect for others.
Value Education
Show your child that you value education and make learning a priority in your home. Ensure that your children have the appropriate space for studying and enough time to do their homework and revise for tests.
Be Engaged
Be there for your child’s talent shows, science fairs and school events. Show them you care about their efforts.
Teach your Kid to be Organized
Teach your child you clean up after themselves, and to put things away in the right places. If they don’t learn to put things away neatly at home, they won’t have that skill at school. Learning to make their beds, put their toys away and pack their school bags, will translate to keeping a clean desk at school.
Establish a Routine
Establish a routine that works for your family. These could include packing bags the night before, including completed homework, to relieve stresses in the morning, and going to bed at the same regular time.
Hold your Kids Accountable
Teachers and parents need to work in partnership to raise responsible kids. Allowing your child to experience the consequences of their actions and learning from their mistakes, is important. Don’t bail your child out or go over the head of your teacher.
Be Mindful of What they Eat
Make sure they leave for school having had a good breakfast.Pack healthy lunches and snacks to help them fuel their bodies the right way. School is challenging enough without having to deal with sugar highs and lows.