K5 Learning Blog

K5 Learning provides free worksheets and other materials for kids in kindergarten to grade 5.

Grammar help

Opinion writing encourages students to think critically about a topic. We’ve created a number of worksheets for students to practice opinion writing.

Math help

Creating and interpreting line plots can be made engaging and accessible for students. Here's a step-by-step guide.

Grammar help

We have a section of sentence structure worksheets for students to practice subjects and predicates in all their forms, simple, compound and complex sentences, as well as direct and indirect objects.

Tips & worksheets

Picking a word from a selection of slightly different spellings challenges students to focus on the correct spelling of that word. We’ve created worksheets to help them practice this for grades 1 - 5.

Science help

Teaching kids about density using cork, wood, and metal can be a hands-on and engaging activity. Let us show you how.

Math help

We have a step-by-step guide to help students learn how to subtract in columns.

Grammar help

Properly using articles (a, an, the) in English is important for clear and accurate communication.

Grammar help

Teaching narrative writing to 4th-grade students involves breaking down the process into manageable steps and providing them with the tools and guidance to develop their storytelling skills. We have some worksheets for narrative writing practice.

Math help

Expanded notation is a useful way to break down a number into its component parts and better understand its value based on place values.

Grammar help

In grade 4, students work on developing writing that has clarity and structure. We’ve created a set of worksheets for them to practice how to improve sentences.