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1st Grade Math Worksheets: Place Value

Grade 1 place value worksheets

Our grade 1 place value worksheets help students understand our base 10 number system. Exercises include identifying tens and ones, rounding, building 2 digit numbers and changing back and forth between "expanded form" and "normal form".  These worksheets focus on numbers less than 100

Tens & Ones Worksheets

Identify 10s and 1s __ tens & __ ones = 42
Combine 10s and 1s   4 tens & 2 ones = __
Identify a digit's place value 42 → 4 tens

Building 2-digit numbers

Build numbers from 10s & 1s 70 + 5 = __
Build numbers from 10s & 1s (missing addends) 70 + ___ = 75

Rounding Worksheets

Rounding to the nearest 10 28 → __

Expanded Form / Normal Form

Write numbers in expanded form 57=5 x 10 + 7
Write numbers in standard form 5 x 10 + 3= __
Sample Grade 1 Place Value Worksheet

Sample Grade 1 Place Value Worksheet

More place value & rounding worksheets

Explore all of our place value worksheets, from base ten blocks to 6 digit numbers in expanded form, and our rounding worksheets, ranging from rounding to the nearest 10 to rounding in the millions.

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